1. Single-atom system and manipulation of quantum state
To prepare single-atom systems by magneto-optical trap and optical dipole trap, cool single
atoms to the harmonic oscillator ground state by Raman side band cooling technology,
precisily control the collisions between atoms by Feshbach resonance, control the movement
of the ring lattice by phase modulation LG light, the goal is to achieve a controlled multi-bit
quantum gates and synthesis single diatomic molecules.
2. Atom interferometers and applications
The gravity measurement instruments have a wide application in the area of resource and
environmental exploration. Atom interferometer is a new kind of gravity measurement
instruments. We realized the cold atom interferometer, we will carry out experimental
investigation on gravity measurement and application of atom interferometers.
3. Equivalence Principle test based atom interferometers
The development of experimental techniques of atom interferemeters provide a new way for
Weak Equivalence Principle test in the ground laboratory by matter waves. Atom
interferometry has more advantages than neutron interferometry in Equivalence Principle
test experiments. Cold atoms have lower speed, the sensitivity of cold atom interferometer
is much better than that of neutron interferometer; the coherence of cold atoms are bettter,
cold atoms can be used to measure g with high accuracy. It is possible to test Equivalence
Principle with higher precision in the laboratory by using atom interferometers.
4. Theoretical studies
Theoretical study of black hole radiation
Gravity remote transfer based on atom interferometer
Gravitational wave detect based on atom interferometers
Vortex and droplets solution of holographic D - wave superconductors
Chaos in special optical trap